Today’s meditation was all about my central energy channel

Today’s Biodynamic Meditation went like this:

Physiological sighs to shift my autonomic nervous system more parasympathetic

Settling into my cross-legged upright posture, left hand cradling right hand, palms up, in lap

Bringing awareness inside my body

Noticing sensations in my central energy channel

Noticing radiance at my face and my third eye and crown chakras open

Notice heart and throat chakras open

Noticing the Tide ascending and descending in a cycle of about 18 seconds in each direction

Noticing the radiance at my face become stronger, pressing inward

Being curious about my lower chakras, checking in with them, sensing solar plexus, sacral, and root chakras open

Staying with the Tide, chakras open, radiance at my face the rest of the 30 minutes

Photo: San Solomon Springs, Balmorhea State Park

Sensing the Tide in your own body

I’ve heard from a few people who are following these posts.

Louise, whom I’ve studied Craniosacral Biodynamics with, feels the Tide whenever she tunes in, which is frequently. ❤️

Helene, a dear friend who is a long-time bellydancer and yogi and deeply embodied, commented that she wants to experience these things I’ve been writing about. ❤️

Denise meditates along with me! ❤️

First, some clarification. I write about experiencing my chakras a lot. I’ve been a yogi since 1982. They are part of how I experience my anatomy.

Knowledge of the chakras is not required in learning Craniosacral Biodynamics, although it may be helpful.

Same with Biodynamic Meditation. Not required but helpful.

Notice that these 7 main chakras are on the midline of the body.

What’s important here is that the midline, or more accurately mid-space, is your central energy channel.

It runs between your perineum/root/muladhara chakra and the location of your infant soft spot/crown/sahasrara chakra at the top of the head. It connects your chakras.

This central energy channel is what you tune into, after doing some relaxing breaths.

This is where you’ll sense the Tide.

If it is difficult to sense the whole channel, start smaller, with your abdomen or chest.

See if you can sense motion, moving up or moving down.

That’s the Tide.

The more often you tune into it, the clearer it becomes. You can seek it in meditation. When you’re falling asleep or just waking up are other good times to tune in.

It’s exciting when you first find it!

With practice, you can follow its motion between crown and root.

Some say the Tide is extracellular fluid in motion. Some sense it as energy moving.

I can’t tell the difference!

Today is Day 76 of my posts about my Biodynamic Meditations. This morning: breathing, awareness of central energy channel, sensations of Tide moving up and down, radiance at my face, sensation at root chakra, stillpoint at sacral end of channel, third eye chakra, crown chakra.